As a seasoned QA Automation Engineer, I bring over 14 years of hands-on experience in sw development.
Certified in ISTQB and proficient in tools like Jira, Git, and Cypress, I've transitioned to 100% automation, specializing in web-based and mobile applications.
With a track record of success at multiple companies, I am eager to bring my expertise to your team as an Automation Architect, as my passion lies in leveraging projects to their next quality level.

Check out my side projects below.
"System Engineer - UTN FRC - University of Cordoba, Argentina"
["TypeScript", "Cypress", "Playwright", "Git", "Java", "Selenium", "Jira", "GitHub Actions"]
["family time", "blockchain automation", "fishing"]
"Piriápolis, UY"


Automation Projects

Several Selenium & Cypress projects among other technologies used to automate:
- PlaywrightTypescriptGithubActions
- BlockchainCypressJavaScript
- UICypressTypeScript
- APIJavaRestAssured
- UICypressJavaScript
- RubySeleniumRSpec
- UIJavaSelenium
- APIJMeterDocker
- UISeleniumGridDocker
- Others

Cypress Selenium Playwright RestAssured Postman JMeter TestNg Maven Cucumber RSpec Java JavaScript TypeScript Ruby

Web Based AI Games

Multi Games by using Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence JavaScript HTML CSS

Chase the Ace

JavaScript Card Game.

JavaScript HTML CSS jQuery Bootstrap Github

Scissor Paper Stone

AI JS Game.

Artificial Intelligence JavaScript HTML CSS Brain.js

Facturador UY

Front-end project to build Uruguayan invoices.

JavaScript HTML5 CSS3 ES6

Climate Crisis

Back-end project to retrieve Climate Change Live News.

Node.js Express Axios Cheerio Nodemon Rapidapi Heroku Vercel

Blockchain QAAutomation

Smart Contracts Test Automation.

Smart Contracts Ethereum Remix Solidity Cypress JavaScript EVM

Let's Connect and drive Quality together!